· School Hours
Mondays & Fridays from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays from 7:30 am to 2:45 pm
· Arrival & Departure
Children are expected to arrive to school by maximum 7:40 am and to be picked up from the school maximum at 2:15 pm on Mondays & Fridays and maximum at 3:00 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Those who are registered to bus transportation, the buses will leave the school premises 10 minutes after the last bell.
The teachers are responsible to supervise for 15 minutes only after the last bell.
· Late Arrivals/Early Pick-Ups
Kindly call the school early morning (before 10:00 a.m.) and notify the KG Coordinator if your child/children will be late to school or will be picked up early or by someone else.
Recurrent late arrivals/early pick-ups are not favored.
· Absence
If your child is sick or unable to attend school, please notify the KG Coordinator or the homeroom teacher by maximum 8:00 am.
· Worship Time
Every morning, from 8:00 am till 8:30 am in the Memorial Hall of the school.
We want to raise our children with the love of Jesus, and start to acknowledge the real meaning of faith from early age. Spiritual songs and prayers are sung and recited, as well as Biblical stories are told. Some chapels aim at moral lessons. Children enjoy the presence of different guests who bring the good news of the Gospel to the children with an interesting approach.
· Bus Transportation
Bus transportation to and from school is provided upon request. The buses follow specified fixed routes and schedules. Usually a supervising teacher is assigned on each bus.
On the first parent-teacher meeting, Parents should provide a full address for the driver.
On Monday, the first regular day of school, parents will arrange transportation to school in the morning, and in the afternoon children will return back home by bus.
Changes of bus or destination frequently are not encouraged.
Kindly refer to the School’s Administration Office for further information on the bus service.
Children like to share events with their friends, especially birthday celebrations.
Birthdays of the same month will be celebrated collectively during the monthly event. You will be informed at the beginning of the month and we will make the necessary arrangements together.
You may choose to bring a dry cake, finger food and juice.
To ensure the daily smooth operation of classes and to minimize distractions, animation shows are not allowed. Only the Parents of the birthday child are invited to attend the birthday celebrations.
· Uniform
The uniform and the sports outfit (summer and winter) are provided by the School, which have the CHS logo on them.
Let your child wear;
- Navy blue pants or short
- Navy blue jacket and coat
- Dark color shoes (on the day of sports, his/her favorite sports shoes)
Please print the name of your child on the uniform, the coat, the jacket, and the towel.
Also, put label on the bag with the child’s name, telephone number and address.
Please provide labeled change of clothes for your child in case of any accidents. Note that;
- Boys should have neatly cut hair.
- Girls should tie their hair with red, green, white or black buckles.
· Snack Time: Early childhood is an important time to establish healthy eating habits. A balanced diet is the key to healthy eating, because it provides children with the nutrients they need to grow.
- Sandwiches have to be prepared with care. Please send with your child 2-3 sandwiches wrapped in special sandwich paper and put in a nylon bag.
- The fruits and vegetables should be put in a Tupperware.
Note that they’ll be having their breaks as follows;
From 7:30 am till 7:55 am, breakfast in the classroom.
From 9:55 am till 10:20 am, 1st recess.
From 12:10 pm till 12:35 pm, 2nd recess.
- Students are expected to bring along with them a lunch box and a water bottle (gourde); both items must be labeled.
For Pre-KG students:
· Drink bottle of milk in the morning at home.
· Breakfast time @ 8:30 am. Have a sandwich wrapped neatly and put in nylon bag.
· Lunch time @ 11:30 am. Please send in Tupperware or glass plates which are microwave friendly.
Kindly do not send juice, chocolate, chips, or assorted candies with your child.
NOTE: Every Wednesday, the School’s Parents’ Committee provides a meal (you’ll have the list later) during the 1st recess only. We will request from you to send money, put in an envelope which will be collected by the homeroom teacher.
· Personal Items
To avoid loss or damage, do not allow your child to bring any personal items and/or toys to school.
· Calendar
The school calendar is issued to parents at the beginning of every year where important dates, operations, and holidays are specified. Please keep track of school events and holidays. Any change to the calendar is sent via circular which is also posted on e-skool, and/or noted in the Agenda. Kindly keep us updated in case of any change to your contact information.
· Field Trips
Educational field trips are fun, and allow students to enjoy some recreational time away from school and curriculum. During the year, the KG students will have the chance to go to both field and educational trips. These help them develop strong bonds with their classmates, and with teachers. Moreover, they’ll explore the nature and get acquainted with different playgrounds.
Open communication is vital to ensure your child’s successful experience. The following is a list of methods we will be using to foster dialogue:
· Agenda-Memos-Circulars
Many important messages, reminders, or forms that need to be completed and returned will be sent home during the school year.
Please check for memos on a daily basis and give them your prompt attention.
Do not leave any messages with the caregivers; convey your message to the teacher or the coordinator.
To meet with a teacher, contact the school during the school hours and take an appointment. It is strictly forbidden to contact teachers or send messages to them via Whatsapp, Viber, or Facebook.
· E-skool
Through your child’s e-skool IDs and passwords you’ll be able to see the circulars and the memos which are sent with your child.
You can download the application (e-skool) or you can access it through the School’s website. (www.aechs.com).
Kindly check the e-skool on a daily basis.
· Parent-Teacher Meetings
Regularly scheduled Parent-Teacher meetings make it possible for us to involve you directly in the monitoring process of your child’s progress. Kindly refer to the KG Events schedule for the dates of the important meetings.
Moreover, in case you have any questions/issues you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to call for an appointment with the person in charge (KG Coordinator, your child’s class teacher).