Emergency Plan For Online Learning Continuity

  Online Learning Policies and Procedures Manual

I. Introduction

The CHS leadership committee has devised an emergency plan in case the school is required to close its doors due to a conflict or crisis. This plan relies on the implementation of online learning, assuming that students in the country have internet access. The primary objective is to ensure the continuity of education while prioritizing the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff.


II. Policy Statements

A. Online Learning Eligibility

Under certain conditions, online learning will be initiated, such as emergencies, health crises, or other exceptional circumstances where the presence of students and staff in school is not preferable for safety purposes. However, internet availability is required in these situations.


B. Communication Protocol

To disseminate information about online learning, various channels will be utilized, including official school websites, the school's official online platform (E-skool), and WhatsApp groups for each department.


C. Student and Parent Responsibilities

Some responsibilities that students and parents may hold during online learning:



· Means: To participate in online lessons, students are required to have an internet connection, a laptop, or a cell phone. They should be able to receive lesson agendas, go online to follow classrooms, and participate in assessments.

· Schedule: A new schedule will be provided to students and parents, where some subjects, such as robotics, singing, and dancing, will be omitted. The emphasis will be on core subjects like languages, math, and science.

· Attendance: Students are responsible for adhering to this new schedule, attending all classes, preparing their lessons, and completing all online assessments.

· Uniforms: Students are expected to wear their uniforms and have their books and resources with them. In case of unavailability of books, materials will be posted online.

· Active Participation: Actively engage in class discussions, ask questions, and seek clarification when needed.

· Time Management: Manage time effectively to balance online classes, assignments, and personal activities.

· Communication: Communicate any technical issues or challenges faced during online learning to teachers or school administrators promptly.

· Device Maintenance: Ensure that the devices used for online learning are in good working condition and have necessary updates installed.

· Respectful Behavior: Maintain a respectful and positive online behavior during virtual classes and group discussions.

· Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to teachers about the online learning experience and suggest improvements when necessary.


· Establish a Learning Environment: Create a conducive learning environment at home, free from distractions, to support the student's focus during online classes.

· Technology Support: Assist students with technical issues, such as setting up devices, troubleshooting internet problems, and installing necessary software.

· Communication with Teachers: Establish regular communication with teachers to stay informed about the student's progress, challenges, and any additional support needed.

· Encouragement: Encourage and motivate the student to stay focused on their studies, attend classes regularly, and complete assignments on time.

· Resource Accessibility: Ensure that students have access to required learning resources, including books, materials, and a stable internet connection.

· Attendance Monitoring: Keep track of the student's attendance in online classes and notify the school in case of any issues.

· Feedback to School: Provide feedback to the school about the effectiveness of online learning and share any concerns or suggestions for improvement.

D. Teacher Responsibilities:

· Training Video Review: Teachers are responsible for reviewing training videos and seeking assistance from the IT department or Head of Department (HOD) in case of emergencies.

· Adherence to Objectives: Teachers must adhere to the new list of objectives prepared for online learning.

· Interactive Lesson Plans: Lesson plans will be adjusted to focus more on student participation through online discussions and hands-on activities that students will complete at home.

· Assessment Modification: Teachers are also responsible for developing new online assessments, shifting from traditional paper and pencil methods to projects, presentations, and online quizzes.

· Session Recording: Teachers should record their online sessions and post them on the platform, enabling absent students to view the classroom later.

· Parent and Student Support: Teachers will provide support to parents and students outside of online classroom sessions through WhatsApp groups at specific times designated by the administration. They will address concerns and answer questions during these sessions.

· Progress Assessment: Teachers will assess student progress online for each objective and maintain a record of student achievements.

E. Technology Standards

For Students:

· Webcam and Microphone: Ensure students have a functional webcam and microphone for interactive online sessions and virtual meetings.

· Headphones: Recommend the use of headphones to minimize background noise and enhance the quality of audio during online classes.

· Digital Notetaking Tools: Encourage the use of digital notetaking tools or applications for organizing and managing study materials (We might need this in the future).

· Cloud Storage: Encourage students to utilize cloud storage services for easy access to documents and collaborative projects from different devices.

· Device Charging: Remind students to keep their devices charged before online classes to avoid disruptions.

· Online Safety Education: Provide guidance on online safety practices and responsible internet usage to students.

For Teachers:

· Interactive Whiteboards or Tablets: Explore tools like interactive whiteboards or tablets for more engaging online teaching sessions (In case teachers can come to school).

· Digital Teaching Resources: Encourage teachers to explore and use a variety of digital teaching resources, including educational apps, videos, and simulations.

· Screen Sharing Software: Familiarize teachers with screen-sharing software for effective presentation and demonstration during online classes.

· Collaboration Tools: Introduce collaboration tools such as Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams, or other platforms to facilitate communication and teamwork among students and teachers.

· Professional Development: Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their digital literacy skills and stay updated on the latest educational technologies.

· Virtual Labs and Simulations: Explore virtual labs and simulations to enhance practical learning experiences in subjects that traditionally involve hands-on activities.

· Backup and Recovery: Emphasize the importance of regular backup procedures to prevent loss of critical teaching materials or student work.

F. Privacy and Security

Ensuring privacy and security in online learning is crucial. While using the school’s platform, the following privacy and security standards are being practices:

1. User Authentication: Implement strong user authentication mechanisms, to protect against unauthorized access.

2. Access Controls: It enforces strict access controls, granting permissions only to authorized individuals based on their roles and responsibilities.

3. Data Storage and Retention: It ensures that student and teacher data is stored securely and only for the necessary duration.

4. Privacy Policies: The CHS platform prioritizes the privacy of both students and teachers. Access to the platform is restricted, and only individuals with an account can enter and use it.

5. Secure Communication Channels: The platform secures communication channels for any sensitive information, such as grades or personal discussions.

G. Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and evaluation policies for effective online learning.

1. Assessment Methods: Students will be assessed for each objective accomplished through various assessment methods suitable for online learning, such as quizzes, projects, presentations, and online discussions.

2. Timely Feedback: Students will receive feedback on their assessments within 2 or 3 days, to enhance the learning process and allow students to understand their progress.

3. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism or any other form of copying should be avoided in an online environment. Otherwise, students caught violating these principles will receive a zero on the assignment.

4. Proctoring Guidelines: To ensure fair and secure assessment conditions while respecting students' privacy, the following guidelines will be considered:

  • For assessments that will take place on Zoom, students will have to keep their webcam open at all times.
  • In the case of online pre-prepared quizzes, such as multiple-choice or other objective tests that students have to fill in and send to the teacher, students must open the test on time. The time is limited, and if they are not online on time, they might not have enough time to complete the test.

5. Accommodations for Special Needs: Students with special needs will adhere to the same assessment guidelines. However, for assessments that have been modified to accommodate their needs, these students will undergo one-on-one online testing with their designated special needs teacher to ensure a fair and inclusive learning environment.

6. Assessment Weighting: The weightings of various assessments, specific to each subject, will be clearly outlined in the overall course grade to provide transparency and clarity to students.

7. Make-Up Assessments: If students miss a scheduled assessment due to valid reasons, such as illness or technical issues, they must first seek permission from the Head of Department (HOD). The HOD will then report the case to the teacher while keeping a record of the missed assessment.

8. Assessment Calendar: Students will receive clear assessment calendar at the beginning of the course, outlining the dates and types of assessments to help students plan their workload effectively.

III. Procedures

A. Remote (Online) Learning Infrastructure:

  • The school employs the Eskool online learning platform, capable of functioning in challenging conditions. Teachers are trained to utilize this platform. In the event Eskool is not viable, Google Classroom or WhatsApp groups may be used to share lessons or videos.
  • Ongoing training sessions for teachers will be provided to enhance their proficiency in utilizing online tools for remote instruction.

B. Digital Access for Students:

  • In emergencies, assess students' digital access and provide necessary resources.
  • All students have Eskool accounts, ensuring regular usage for various purposes. While most possess laptops, the platform is also accessible on cellphones, contingent upon internet connectivity.
  • Recordings of online sessions will be available for students without immediate internet access, enabling them to review the material later.
  • For subjects lacking e-books, educational materials can be digitally shared through WhatsApp web.

C. Technical Support

  • The online platform is currently available and actively used by both parents and students.
  • In the event of an emergency, two designated IT teachers will be responsible and reachable to address concerns from teachers, students, and parents.
  • These IT teachers will provide necessary training to teachers on utilizing the online classroom, as well as preparing online lessons and assessments.
  • Training sessions will be recorded and posted for teachers to revisit and review relevant concepts.
  • Additional training sessions will be offered to parents and students, focusing on navigating online classrooms and responding to online assessments.
  • In case of technical issues, the contact number for the IT department will be available to assist teachers, parents, and students in resolving any technical problems.
  • Contact information for Head of Department (HOD), homeroom teachers, and subject teachers will also be provided for parents and students to reach out during specific hours designated by the administration.

D. Training and Professional Development

  • While the majority of teachers are already trained to use the E-skool platform for emergency online sessions, new teachers, if required, will receive direct training. Additionally, training videos will be uploaded for reference whenever needed.
  • Teachers will undergo training on stress management facilitated by the school's counselor.
  • Comprehensive training sessions, either in person or through videos, will be provided to teachers on utilizing assessments suitable for online learning, such as projects, presentations, and online quizzes.

E. Curriculum Adaptation

  • Teachers will identify key learning objectives that can be delivered remotely during wartime or crisis.
  • Lesson plans will undergo modifications, emphasizing visual aids and worksheets rather than physical activities. Students' engagement will be encouraged through active participation in discussions and hands-on activities that they will need to complete at home.
  • The curriculum will be streamlined by reducing the number of subjects offered. Some non-core subjects, such as dancing, singing, and robotics, will be omitted, providing more focus on essential subjects like languages, Math, and Science.

F. Communication Plan

  • Every homeroom teacher will be reachable in case of emergencies and challenging situations.
  • Head of Departments (HODs) will also be readily available to address unexpected problems or emergency responses.
  • Regular updates regarding agendas and grades will be communicated to students and parents through the platform.
  • Staff members will receive regular updates through online meetings conducted by the administration.
  • Virtual parent-teacher conferences will be available for parents to raise concerns as needed.

G. Emergency Situations

  • In the context of online learning, technology-related emergency situations will be addressed by the IT department.
  • Emergency situations related to lesson content will be handled by the Head of Departments (HODs) responsible for their respective departments and homeroom teachers responsible for their class levels. This will be facilitated through online teacher-parent conferences and WhatsApp messages.
  • The communication channels are as follows: parents and students will initially contact the subject teacher. If the situation remains unresolved, they will communicate with the homeroom teacher, followed by the HOD, and then escalate the matter to the administration if necessary.
  • Collaborate with Authorities: the Board of Trustees, a group of Armenian evangelical principals, and the consortium of evangelical school principals to discuss emergency responses and share critical information.
  • Emergency Fund Allocation: Allocate funds for technology upgrades, resources for remote learning, and mental health support.

H. Mental Health and Well-being Support:

  • Provide online mental health resources and counseling services for parents, teachers, students, and staff.
  • Promote a supportive environment and encourage open communication regarding emotional challenges.

I. Reintegration Plan

When conditions permit, students will smoothly transition back to traditional in-person learning. Transitioning back from online learning to traditional classrooms requires careful planning, communication, and flexibility. The following steps will be considered to facilitate a smooth transition:

  • Communicate Transparently: Clearly communicate the decision to transition back to traditional classrooms to students, parents, and staff.
  • Share the reasons behind the decision and any changes in schedules or procedures.
  • Assess Student Readiness: Assess students' readiness for the transition, considering their well-being and any potential challenges they may face.
  • Professional Development: Provide teachers with professional development opportunities to help them transition seamlessly back to traditional teaching methods.
  • Physical Classroom Preparation: Ensure that classrooms are ready for in-person learning with necessary supplies, updated technology, and a clean, organized environment.
  • Health and Safety Measures: Implement health and safety measures in line with local guidelines, including sanitization practices, social distancing measures, and any other precautions necessary to protect the well-being of students and staff.
  • Transition Period: Consider a phased approach to the transition, allowing students and teachers to gradually adjust to the return of in-person classes.
  • Use the initial days to revisit classroom routines and expectations.
  • Address Social and Emotional Needs: Be attentive to the social and emotional needs of students, recognizing that the transition may come with mixed emotions.
  • Flexibility in Assessments: Be flexible in adjusting assessment methods, considering the transition period and potential challenges students might face.
  • Parental Involvement: Keep parents informed about the transition process and encourage their involvement in supporting their children's return to traditional classrooms.
  • Continuous Feedback: Solicit feedback from teachers, students, and parents regularly to identify any challenges and address them promptly.
  • Monitoring Academic Progress: Monitor students' academic progress closely during the transition period, providing additional support if needed.
  • Evaluate and Adjust: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the transition plan and be prepared to make adjustments based on feedback and evolving circumstances.
  • Remind the school community that flexibility, open communication, and a supportive environment are key to a successful transition from online learning back to traditional classrooms.

IV. Review and Revision

A. Regular Review

  • The online learning policies and procedures will be reviewed on a weekly basis in response to feedback received from parents, students, and staff.

B. Feedback Mechanism

  • Parents and students will have the opportunity to provide feedback and input on the effectiveness of online learning procedures through an online form made available for them to fill out and submit to the Head of Department (HOD) as needed.
  • Similarly, teachers will have access to a similar form to express their concerns anonymously if necessary. Alternatively, they can address their concerns during the regular online meetings scheduled between the HOD and the subject teachers.

C. Continuous Improvement

  • Continuous improvement will be a priority, driven by feedback, lessons learned, and emerging trends in online education.

V. Conclusion

In all the policies and procedures listed above, the most crucial aspects are collaboration, communication, and flexibility during the transition to online learning. By developing a comprehensive Online Learning Policies and Procedures Manual, our school can proactively tackle the challenges associated with transitioning to online education, ensuring a more effective and organized learning experience for students, teachers, and parents.